
Legal Services
As a member of the Florida PBA, one of the primary benefits of membership is legal assistance. Florida PBA has two "in-house" attorneys and over 40 retained attorneys to provide the best legal services available to Florida's law enforcement officers

Legislative Services
The PBA employs a dedicated team of professional lobbyists who actively advocate for legislation that benefits law enforcement and corrections officers...

Contract Services
Our negotiators have vast experience and expertise in every aspect of labor agreements, from pay comparisons to pension benefits, and we use this expertise to win you the best benefits package possible
Providing The Best
PBA maintains a professional staff of lobbyists to aid in obtaining legislation beneficial to law enforcement and corrections officers and support personnel.
PBA provides an attorney if you are named as a defendant in any civil or criminal action arising out of the scope of your duties as a law enforcement officer.
A legal duty officer is available 24 hours a day, for duty-related legal needs. PBA provides an attorney to represent you at the scene of an on-duty shooting or serious injury.
PBA Provides full-time in-house and retained attorneys and staff representatives to handle your discipline cases, as well as your decertification cases before the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission.
This program provides, free to members, a death benefit of up to $75,000 and a catastrophic injury benefit of up to $30,000 to the member, spouse or dependent children when the member is killed or suffers a catastrophic injury in the line of duty.
Join the PBA
Florida Police Benevolent Association membership is open to all certified law enforcement and corrections officers regardless of race, creed, sex or national origin. The Association is made up of semi-autonomous charters formed on a county-wide or regional basis, and local or statewide chapters.