About Us

Established in 1972, the Florida Police Benevolent Association, Inc. (PBA) is a politically proactive labor organization that represents law enforcement officers in negotiations for wages, benefits and terms of their employment.  We give law enforcement officers a voice in the day-to-day affairs of their agencies and we fight to win them better pay, benefits and working conditions.

Our goal is to provide law enforcement officers with a strong and effective voice before legislative and local government bodies.

Times have changed since 1972, but Florida PBA continues to furnish the best, most effective representation possible.

United we can set and accomplish even greater goals!

Florida PBA Difference

  • Who We Are?

    Established in 1972, the Florida Police Benevolent Association, Inc. (PBA) is a politically proactive labor organization that represents law enforcement officers in negotiations for wages, benefits and terms of their employment.  We give law enforcement officers a voice in the day-to-day affairs of their agencies and we fight to win them better pay, benefits and working conditions.

    Our goal is to provide law enforcement officers with a strong and effective voice before legislative and local government bodies.

    Times have changed since 1972, but Florida PBA continues to furnish the best, most effective representation possible.

    United we can set and accomplish even greater goals!

  • What We Are?

    We are a professional association of law enforcement officers which is most effective in providing:

    – Labor Representation

    – Legal Representation

    – Legislative Representation

    – Aggressive Political Activity

  • Why We Are?

    As a law enforcement officer, you willingly risk your life, every day, to protect others.  As a result of your efforts, we all live in a better, safer community. Whether you are a police officer, sheriff’s deputy on the street, or a correctional officer who keeps criminals where they belong, the sacrifices and dangers you face are often taken for granted. What organization can you turn to with the size, political strength and financial resources to be “The Voice of Florida’s Law Enforcement”?



PBA maintains a professional staff of lobbyists to aid in obtaining legislation beneficial to law enforcement and corrections officers and support personnel.


PBA Provides full-time in-house and retained attorneys and staff representatives to handle your discipline cases, as well as your de-certification cases before the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission.


PBA provides an attorney if you are named as a defendant in any civil or criminal action arising out of the scope of your duties as a law enforcement officer.


This program provides, free to members, a death benefit of up to $50,000 and a catastrophic injury benefit of up to $30,000 to the member, spouse or dependent children when the member is killed or suffers a catastrophic injury in the line of duty.


A legal duty officer is available 24 hours a day, for duty-related legal needs. PBA provides an attorney to represent you at the scene of an on-duty shooting or serious injury.

Our Team

John Kazanjian


Jody Branaman

Executive Director

Stephanie Dobson Webster

General Counsel

Sherry Hannon

Accounting & Membership Services Manager

Laura Spraker

Membership Administrator

Debbie Tully

Membership Administrator

Join Florida PBA Today

Florida Police Benevolent Association membership is open to all certified law enforcement and corrections officers regardless of race, creed, sex or national origin. The Association is made up of semi-autonomous charters formed on a county-wide or regional basis, and local or statewide chapters.