Bank Draft

Bank Draft Plan – Pay Your Dues Each Month without Writing a Check

Florida Police Benevolent Association, Inc.’s Bank Draft Plan (Payment Automatically Transferred), is the easiest way to make your payment each month. Together, we arrange with your bank to have your monthly charges for membership dues deducted directly from your checking account. Drafts will be made on the 5th of each month. This hassle free method of payment means one less check to write, one less stamp to buy, and one less envelope to mail each and every month.

Enter your Bank Routing Code and Bank Account Number from the bottom of your check (as shown here) on the Bank Draft Authorization Card below.



    Member Information

    Member Name:

    Social Security Number:

    Personal Email:

    *A confirmation email will be sent to this address.

    Phone Number:

    Mailing Address:

    Bank Information

    Bank Name:

    ACH Routing Number:

    Bank Account Number:

    Bank Address:

    Name As Shown On This Account:

    Terms and Conditions

    I authorize Florida Police Benevolent Association, Inc. to begin making monthly deductions from my checking or savings account for payment of my membership dues and the financial institution named below to initiate entries to my checking/savings account. This authority will remain in effect until I notify you in writing to cancel it in such time as to afford the financial institution a reasonable opportunity to act on it. I can stop payment of any entry by notifying my financial institution three days before my account is charged.

    I accept these terms and conditions

    By clicking here you are authorizing the PBA to complete your request to pay for your PBA dues through the bank account provided above.

    Credit Card Authorization

    To pay via credit card, please complete all the fields below.

    For your convenience, the PBA offers a Mastercard/Visa credit card plan for payment of membership dues.

      Member Information

      PBA Member ID:

      Dues amount $:


      *A confirmation email will be sent to this address.

      Phone Number:

      Member Name:


      Credit Card Information

      Name as it appears on Credit Card:

      Billing Address for Credit Card: (required if different - No PO Boxes accepted)

      Check One:

      Credit Card Number:

      Exp. Date: (MM/YY)

      CVS Code:

      Please check if this is a one-time payment.

      Please check if this is a recurring payment.

      Terms and Conditions

      I hereby authorize the Florida Police Benevolent Association, Inc. (PBA), to charge the indicated credit card for monthly membership dues. I agree that this is a periodic charge that will be made on or around the 5th of each month. This Authorization shall remain in full force and effect until I cancel my billing agreement. To cancel, I must provide the request in writing to the PBA office via mail, email or fax 30 days prior to termination.

      I understand that if I have any problems or questions regarding my agreement, I may contact the PBA for assistance. I agree that I will not dispute any valid charges unless I have already made an effort in good faith to rectify the situation directly, and those efforts have failed.

      I guarantee and warrant that I am the legal cardholder for this credit card, and that I am legally authorized to enter into this agreement with the PBA.

      I accept these terms and conditions

      By clicking here you are authorizing the PBA to complete your request to pay for your PBA dues through the credit card listed above.

      Join Florida PBA Today

      Florida Police Benevolent Association membership is open to all certified law enforcement and corrections officers regardless of race, creed, sex or national origin. The Association is made up of semi-autonomous charters formed on a county-wide or regional basis, and local or statewide chapters.