Executive Committee

John Kazanjian


Mick McHale

Senior Vice President

James Baiardi

Vice President for Services

Rodney Skirvin

Vice President for Charters

Nick Marolda

Vice President for Chapters

William Smith

Vice President for Leg. Affairs/Charity

Steadman Stahl


Tammy Marcus

Sergeant at Arms

Steve Slade


Jonathan Vazquez

Vice President for Recruitment

Scott Hoffman

Vice President for Strategic Planning

Board of Directors

Richard Murphy

Big Bend

Rodney Skirvin

Broward County

Steve Slade

Central Florida Trustee

Marlon Buggs

Coastal Florida

Tammy Marcus

Correctional Probation

William Smith


Steadman Stahl

Gulf Coast Trustee

Javier Vides

Leon County SO

Jody Branaman

North Central

Chase Horne

Northwest Florida

John Kazanjian

Palm Beach County

Steadman Stahl

South Florida PBA

Mick McHale

Southwest Florida

James Baiardi

State Corrections

Terrynce Bing

State Law Enf. Officers

Jonathan Vazquez

Sun Coast

Brandon Barclay

Tampa PBA

Nick Marolda

West Central Florida

Stephanie Dobson Webster

General Counsel

Join Florida PBA Today

Florida Police Benevolent Association membership is open to all certified law enforcement and corrections officers regardless of race, creed, sex or national origin. The Association is made up of semi-autonomous charters formed on a county-wide or regional basis, and local or statewide chapters.